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5 Things to Expect at Your Dental Implant Consultation

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 7:46 am
A dentist and patient at a dental implant consultation in Gainesville

You may be thinking of dental implants for your missing teeth. After all, these prosthetics are highly effective at restoring broken smiles! That said, you’ll need to consult with your dentist first to ensure they’re right for you. As for what that process will involve, your local dental practice has the answer. Read on to learn five things to expect from your dental implant consultation in Gainesville.


Why Do You Need to Replace a Missing Tooth No One Can See?

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 6:07 am
A mouth with a missing back tooth

If you suffer from a missing back tooth, you may think you don’t need to treat it. After all, non-front teeth don’t affect how your smile looks to others. What’s the harm in leaving it alone? In truth, though, you really should replace it with a dental implant. If you don’t, you’ll end up putting your oral health at serious risk. As for why that’s the case, your Gainesville dentist is here to explain. Here’s a summary of what’ll happen if you don’t replace a lost back tooth and why to switch to a dental implant.

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