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What to Expect When Recovering from All-on-4 Surgery

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 7:53 pm
All-on-4 implants for upper and lower jaw

If you want to replace all of your missing teeth at once with a minimal number of dental implants, All-on-4 is definitely an option worth considering. Before you have your dental implants surgically placed, however, you should make sure that you know what to expect. Below is a brief summary of what your recovery after All-on-4 will look like along with some tips for speeding up the process.

What Will Happen During Your Recovery After All-on-4 Surgery?

If IV sedation was administered during your procedure, it will take a while for the effects to completely wear off; until then, you may experience some light-headedness, drowsiness, or dizziness. To be on the safe side, you should plan on having someone else keep an eye on you for at least the first 12 hours after your surgery.

Naturally, there will be some discomfort in your mouth, and many patients also notice significant swelling. Additionally, bruising might appear after a few days. All of these symptoms are temporary, and there are steps you can follow to manage them, such as taking pain medication or applying an ice pack to swollen areas.

As far as diet is concerned, you will need to stick to soft and liquid foods for about three months. This is due to the fact that it will take a while for the mouth to completely heal and for the dental implants to sufficiently integrate themselves with your jawbone. 

How Can You Speed Up the Recovery Process After All-on-4 Surgery?

The sooner your mouth heals, the sooner you can start enjoying the benefits that All-on-4 has to offer. Here’s how to make sure that the recovery process goes by as quickly as possible:

  • If you were prescribed any medications by your dentist, take them according to the instructions that you were given.
  • Plan on avoiding strenuous physical activities for about a week, as raised blood pressure can potentially slow down healing.
  • Avoid directly touching the surgical site; doing so could cause unnecessary irritation.
  • Drink plenty of water. It’s important to stay hydrated when your body is in the middle of the healing process.
  • On the second day after your surgery, you can start gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water multiple times a day. This helps reduce swelling and also lowers the chance of an infection occurring.

Be sure to talk to your dentist and follow any other tips they might have for taking care of your smile after your surgery. Once your mouth has completely healed, you can start fully appreciating all the ways that All-on-4 can change your life for the better.

About the Author

Dr. Shue Her has made a point of pursuing advanced training so that he can continue improving his skills and the services he offers his patients. At the 3D Dentist Institute, he studied Full Arch All-on-4 implant restorations. Today, he is able to perform the entire All-on-4 procedure from start to finish at Lifetime Dental of Gainesville. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Her, visit his website or call (770) 536-6688.

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