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The Need for Calm: Just Who Can Sedation Dentistry Help?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 7:21 am
A dentist using sedation dentistry to keep a patient calm

If you’ve heard of sedation dentistry, you likely know its basics. This field’s methods can make dental care smoother and easier for certain patients. Still, you may have an unanswered question: Just who can sedation dentistry help? Some folks must benefit more from sedation than others do. Well, it happens that your Gainesville dentist can address that concern. Read on to learn four key groups that sedation dentistry helps the most.

Anxious or Scared Patients

As you may expect, dental sedation is great for patients with anxiety. It helps treatment feel much less frightening than it might seem otherwise.

Sedation dentistry can work on dental fears, making it quite helpful. Even today, quite a few Americans – both kids and adults – get nervous about trips to the dentist. This can cause delays in care that lead to cavities, gum disease, and worse. Thankfully, dental sedatives (especially nitrous oxide) would keep you calm during your procedure.

Patients That Can’t Sit Still

Maybe you tend to feel squirmy at dental visits. If so, there’s good news – sedation dentistry is also suited for patients who can’t sit still well.

Remember, dental sedatives relax your mind and body alike. They’d eliminate (or at least reduce) any restlessness during your treatment. In fact, they should help you feel so calm that your body lies still. Your dentist will then have an easier time working on your smile.

Patients Who Gag Easily

A dentist can’t do great work if you gag easily; your throat would get in the way of treatment. Luckily, sedation dentistry can even address that problem.

Among other things, dental sedatives relax unconscious muscle movements. Such movements include the gag reflex, so sedation would help your mouth stay nice and open. You’d then face fewer delays in your procedure and get great results faster.

Patients That Need Extended Care

Whether you’re nervous or not, extended dental care can feel tiring. Who wants to spend hours in a dentist’s chair? That said, sedation dentistry can quickly help patients in this scenario.

The truth is that dental sedation makes time seem to pass more quickly. Since it prompts feelings of calm and euphoria, it speeds up your sense of time’s flow. The common result is that a multi-hour treatment can feel like it took 30 minutes or less!

So, who can sedation dentistry help? Many – it all depends on the patient and their case. Given that fact, consult your dentist to learn whether it’s right for you!

About the Practice

Lifetime Dental of Gainesville is based in Gainesville, GA. Led by Dr. Shue Her, our practice provides comprehensive dental care with cutting-edge facilities. We pride ourselves on offering preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services that help patients of all ages. Of course, that also applies to our dental sedation options – they work for kids and adults alike! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (770)-536-6688.

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