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Feel Fabulous with Fear: Cosmetic Dental Treatment Doesn’t Hurt

August 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 2:50 pm
smiling dental patient with a thumbs up

Biologically, your brain is designed to avoid pain whenever possible. Perhaps the fear of pain is why you’ve steered clear of risky activities like sky diving. However, worrying about potential pain can keep you from perfectly safe experiences and restrict your opportunities for good things!

Cosmetic dentistry, for example, offers a life-changing improvement, but will you have pain as part of the process? The fast answer is no! In this post, you’ll learn where tooth pain comes from, how most cosmetic procedures work, what you can expect from treatment, and why you shouldn’t let the fear of pain hold you back in this case.

Where Tooth Pain Comes From

Like many other areas of your body, your teeth each have a tiny nerve located in the center or pulp. This soft tissue is surrounded by a layer of tubules called the dentin. When external influences like hot or cold drinks, acidic foods or drinks, or oral bacteria reach the dentin layer, the nerve is irritated, causing sensitivity or even pain.

Fortunately, your tooth is protected by a layer of enamel, the strongest material in your body. This shield keeps your teeth comfortable and able to withstand great force.

What Cosmetic Dental Patients Experience

Teeth whitening, whether you get take-home kits from the dentist or receive treatment in their office, lifts stains from the outer layer of your teeth. This exterior is strong and tough, meaning that bleaching agent shouldn’t negatively impact the enamel or your teeth. It just attacks set-in stains.

If you receive cosmetic bonding, you have nothing to fear as well. In this treatment, a tooth-colored resin is applied on top of the enamel, meaning the more sensitive layers of the tooth won’t be affected at all.

With porcelain veneers, the process is a little more invasive in that only about 0.5 mm of enamel is removed from the front of each tooth. This tiny sliver makes room for the prosthetic, which will cover all kinds of aesthetic flaws and provide a perfect, natural-looking smile. While your dentist takes away this small amount, you will be numb and comfortable with a local anesthetic.

By and far, most patients who undergo cosmetic dental procedures will not have tooth pain as a result of their treatment.

Worst Case Scenario: Sensitivity

In certain situations, patients may have some tooth sensitivity following their treatment, especially with veneers. After your temporary veneers have been attached to your teeth, and the anesthetic has worn off, you may feel sensitivity to hot or cold because these veneers are not fitted for your unique mouth. However, your teeth shouldn’t experience actual pain at any point of the process.

The good news is that this sensitivity typically only lasts until your custom veneers are bonded into place. These personalized prosthetics should fit so well that your teeth feel natural and strong as well as look amazing.

Ultimately, you don’t need to avoid cosmetic dental treatment because it shouldn’t cause you pain. You can alter your teeth with confidence, knowing that your procedure will be painless and that your smile will turn out stunning!

About the Practice

At Lifetime Dental, Dr. Shue Her offers many dental services, ranging from routine checkups and cleanings to cosmetic procedures and dental implants. When it comes to aesthetic improvements, his patients can receive treatment in the office or take kits to whiten at home. If you are interested in exploring your cosmetic options, or if you have questions about improving your smile, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Gainesville office online or call 770-536-6688 to set up an appointment with Dr. Her.

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