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Lifetime Dental Blog

Why Do You Need to Replace a Missing Tooth No One Can See?

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 6:07 am
A mouth with a missing back tooth

If you suffer from a missing back tooth, you may think you don’t need to treat it. After all, non-front teeth don’t affect how your smile looks to others. What’s the harm in leaving it alone? In truth, though, you really should replace it with a dental implant. If you don’t, you’ll end up putting your oral health at serious risk. As for why that’s the case, your Gainesville dentist is here to explain. Here’s a summary of what’ll happen if you don’t replace a lost back tooth and why to switch to a dental implant.


5 Qualities of a Dental Implant Candidate

July 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — lifetimedental @ 12:37 am

Model of dental implantsMore than 500,000 Americans are choosing to invest in the next best thing to their real teeth every year with dental implants. The advanced treatment is unique because it replicates both the root and crown and can last for decades. Most patients with good oral and general health can benefit from the most reliable method of replacing a missing tooth, but is it right for you? Here are 5 qualities of the perfect dental implant candidate.


Dealing with Dental Emergencies During Summer Vacation

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 5:21 pm
Woman at the beach enjoying summer vacation.

Did you know that 20% of the population experiences some form of dental trauma every year? Dental emergencies can happen any time or any place, and they often occur when we least expect them. However, things can become quite complicated when they unfold during summer vacation! But there’s nothing you need to worry about; knowing how to handle a dental emergency when you’re away from home will go a long way towards ensuring that your smile doesn’t suffer any serious long-term damage. Here are some tips from your dentist for dealing with dental emergencies during summer vacation.  


The Transition from Dentures to Dental Implants

January 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 10:21 pm
Man makes transition from dentures to dental implants in Gainesville

You may have had your dentures for some time now, but you’re thinking implants might be the thing for you. Are you considering making a transition from dentures to dental implants in Gainesville? Fortunately, it is possible to make the change you want and enjoy the happy, healthy, and improved smile you deserve. Read on as your local dentist explains what to expect from the switch!


Save Money Using Your Dental Insurance

November 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — lifetimedental @ 3:40 am

Hand putting coin in piggy bankNowadays, everyone is pinching pennies. If you’re looking for ways to cut your expenses, don’t put your oral health on the chopping block. Although more Americans than ever have private dental coverage, only 2.8% of policyholders meet or exceed their annual limits. Many people believe they can’t afford the out-of-pocket fees, so they skip routine appointments. Despite the intention to cut expenses, avoiding the dentist increases long-term oral health costs. Instead, you can invest in your financial future and a healthy smile for minimal expense. Here are 3 ways you can save money by maximizing your dental insurance in Gainesville.


4 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants This Summer

June 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — lifetimedental @ 10:25 pm

Older woman with dental implants in GainesvilleIf you’ve been waiting for the ideal opportunity to replace your missing teeth with dental implants in Gainesville, this is it! Summer is the perfect time to fill the gaps in your smile. Although you don’t want to miss a minute of sunshine, here are 4 reasons to take a break from the pool to rebuild your smile using a solution that can last for a lifetime.


4 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Enhance Your Smile

April 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 4:09 pm
a young woman leans against a fence post and shows off her new and improved smile

When watching your favorite movie or red-carpet event, you can’t help but admire the perfectly straight and bright teeth that many of the stars possess. Dreaming of having that same kind of smile, you begin to think it’s only possible if you are rich and famous. The good news is that is not the case at all! For years, individuals throughout the United States have turned to cosmetic dentistry to hide imperfections and transform their appearances. With many dentists offering an array of treatments, these solutions are now more affordable than ever because of the alternative payment methods now accepted. Read on to find out which services can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.


4 Ways to Get Your Smile Ready for Spring

March 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 2:04 pm
a female patient having her teeth checked and cleaned during a regular visit

The temperatures are slowly rising, evenings are filled with more light, and yards are preparing for their first mow of the season. Spring is right around the corner, and if you’re busy preparing your to-do list, you’re not alone. While everyone is looking to declutter their homes and bring their lawns back to life, you may want to think about a spring cleaning for your mouth, too. Keeping your teeth and gums in optimal shape for the upcoming season is important, especially as you spend more time outside with family and friends. Read on to learn what 4 things you can do to ensure the health and beauty of your smile this spring.


What Your Tooth Color Says About You

February 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 1:53 pm
A color scale being held to a woman’s smile to determine the shade of her teeth

The idea that having bright, white teeth means that you are healthy has been driven into our minds for what seems like forever. However, your teeth can become discolored for many different reasons. Keep reading to find out what the color of your teeth says about you and how you can brighten them.


Nitrous Oxide Sedation: Who Is a Candidate?

January 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 3:17 pm
Dentist putting nitrous oxide nose piece on patient

Did you know that an estimated 75% of Americans experience mild to severe dental-related anxiety? Whether it’s the sound of the drill, the trauma from a previous bad experience, or the needles, there is a way you can get the dental work you need without the stress: nitrous oxide sedation. And while this effective, colorless gas is highly effective, it’s not for everyone. Read on to learn how it works and who is a candidate!

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